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Yeah, but where exactly does this leave poor states like Kentucky that have a massive drug problem on the one hand and crumbling infrastructure on the other and not enough money in the state to adequately deal with those problems and also where all the money that the state has goes to the small town big boss men that actually run the counties and only spend money in ways that benefits themselves and their cronies?

It seems like these Tea Party ideas will actually benefit the states' equivalents of mafiosos and not really do anything for the majority of the citizens living in the states.


And, I forgot to mention that in some parts of Appalachia it already takes an hour or more to get to a city where there are any decent medical services et al from densely populated rural areas.  Imagine how much longer it would if all the roads were gravel.  An idea like this would essentially turn Appalachia into a third world country in the middle of the US.