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Whats your point on the video card? The video card is dedicated. The ram isnt but developers can still use both pools of ram if needed.

As for weaknesses, the forced shaders is a major issue with the Xenon. There is reasons why the RSX even though its slower can produce better shadows. Its because ATI's unified shader pipeline doesnt have stable drivers to alloweven and balanced transfers of light and dark. Overall yes the Xenon is a stronger video card but only slightly.

Another issue is that the Xenos (CPU) doesnt have enough power in a single core to be dedicated to assist with shading. With the CELL developers have 6 micro-processors to dedicate to different areas so a single SPE to assist with the overlaying of shaders in an environment.

Now to shock most people. The basic concept of a tri-core processer like the Xenos is quite brilliant. I'll commend Microsoft for managing to get the piece of hardware in before any chip designer thought of it. AMD has yet to release their tri-core's which will basically be their quad-core with a disabled core. Sadly core vs SPE, an SPE wins due to raw number crunching power. .

As for why can the 360 not run R&C. The answer is simple. Scale. If you look at the general size of each map they are huge with many secrets through out. Each level probably takes up 800MBs, plus the sound track, and cutscenes, etc. There would be a need for 3 DVD-DLs for a 360 version.

I brought up the video card because it's an integral part of the PS3 design. It's pointless to bring up a gaming machine without talking about the GPU; it's too important.

Good point about using an SPE for shading; that is a good way to use the power of the PS3 for something that requires constant use.

The maps for R&C aren't that huge. Look at Halo 3. Some of the environments in that game are massive and Bungie fit it all on one DVD. Claiming that the game would need 3 DVDs is ludicrous and if you have any sort of data that backs you up, I would love to see it. You're also ignoring the advances in compression technology over the past few years. I'm willing to concede that the game might require two DVDs but even that is a stretch in my eyes and hardly makes it impossible to put the game on the 360.

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