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sapphi_snake said:
The Fury said:

It's a double standard if you word it like that. The idea of white people celebrating their identity would be laughable in our 'western' world but yet we do allow black people to celebrate their identity. 

Although I do agree that a parade of this nature just seems a bit pointless and the reasons for having it are wrong.

Because black people were enslaved and degraded for centuries in this western world. They were made to believe that bacause they're black they're worth less than whites, and that they're not even actual humans. White people do not need to be reminded of their histury and 'achievements' through a special event, when they're essentially the mainstream.

I worded that badly, I was more thinking of such things as BET and if there was a 'WET' there would, no doubt, be outrage. If we accept one version we should accept the other.

I do not consider it 'white history', I consider it history. That doesn't make me proud of it's dark sides, I'm disgusted by any attrocity performed by one group of humans on another regardless of differences. I personally do not consider things that happened well outside my lifetime with modern thinking. I will not hold a german man accountable for WWII or a southern USA farm owner for what his ancestors did 150 years ago.

Hmm, pie.