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wii is still not the perfect FPS, due to lack of other button choices.

Example. I really like Battlefield 1942 and 2. Both controlled very well and just overall really good games. I recently have been playing MoH:Heroes 2 and have perfected my control settings in that game. While it is leagues above dual analog stick it still in inferior to similar games, i.e. BF2, on the PC. Why? There are so many options that are left out of the game that make a good FPS game really good.

I can't jump, dive, and the time it takes to perfect the controls is really annoying. I didn't have to adjust any PC FPS ever. It just worked. However, on the Wii you are forced to adjust the controls from the default if you want a near PC style environment.

Even with the controls finely tuned, it still is a little slower and overall less responsive than a pc setup. However, these issues may be mute in future Wii games. So I guess only time will tell.

Plus, since there is no keyboard, Wii really needs a voip option.