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Chrizum said:
SqueakySamurai said:
Chrizum said:
SqueakySamurai said:

But I don't think people care, OOT is always going to be considered the best game of all time, no matter what, simply because of arrogance and shallowness in generally the whole gaming community

I think Ocarina of Time is the best game of all time. Apparantly that means I'm arrogant and shallow.

nope, It's that gamers are very arrogant, I am too, when it comes to opinions( you don't see moviebuffs complaing that they're favorite movie got a 9 out of 10). And the shallowness is when people say OOT is the best game ever and they barely even played it. like how people say Goldeneye is the best FPS ever. They're just saying that to look like they can be part of a conversation, and I have met alot people that do that. It's also like saying Citizen Cane is the best movie ever and you only have seen the ending.

You should really explain to me what you mean with arrogant.

The only type of fanboy is one of gaming. 2 moviebuffs will become friends, regardless if they hate a certain movie, gamers won't. I remeber when Halo: Reach came out, people were complain that it got a 9 out of 10 instead of a 9.5 or a 10 out of 10. But they're only arrogant when it comes to games, not with everything.