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Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:
Michael-5 said:

I don't like R1 and L1 as trigger buttons. Sony spent time to make R2 and L2 trigger buttons, CoD should use them. I also prefer the 360 controller.

Black Ops is fun as hell online, treyarch definatly went up a notch in quality, but the campaign is still boring as hell. For me.

CoD4>>MW2>>>>>>>>>>>Black Ops>>>>>>>WaW

CoD4 was just so damn impressive, every time I play a FPS now days (especially Killzone 3), I just think, why can't I shoot through this thin metal cover? Why can't I shoot through the walls with less damage? CoD4 set the bar for FPS controls, it's so hard to get into other FPS's now unless they are drastically different (like Halo).

Just, I need a good story, and interesting online multiplayer maps. I still feel MW1 had the best multiplayer maps and story, MW2 only holds a candle because of a great co-op mode.

Well I really loved Killzone 3 but it's no where near the bar COD had set but it's easily compareable with Halo in my opinon. And you know yo can use the R2 and L2 buttons. Those are the controls I use I don't know why they changed them. Those controls were really cool. I just recently changed the controls from R1 and L1 to R2 and L2 as shooting buttons and L1 and R1 as grenade buttons

I don't remember what it is, but with the R2/L2 controller layout, something really annoyed me. I think reload was circle or something and I didn't like that. So when I play CoD on PS3, I play with L1/R1 trigger combo.

As for Killzone, it's funny that you say that it can't match the bar CoD has set and then level it with Halo. I agree with you that CoD is better then Killzone, but I always felt Halo was better then Call of Duty. Campain wise, Killzone matches Halo, but online I feel Halo is the best FPS by a good margin. Everyone has their own opinion though.

Personally I feel like I enjoy a good Third Person Shooter better. Lost Planet 1 was one of my favorite games online, Front Mission would have been too, but the online population was just too little. Right now as it stands, Gears of War is probably my favorite shooter franchise, but Halo really stepped it up in Reach by introducing Firefight mode, and armor customizability.

Yeah TPS is my favourite too. But no everything is the same except for the switch in R2 and L2 and L1 and R1 everything is the same. I think it's called Default flipped. It really gets fun if you play like that.