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kitler53 said:
Godsmurf said:
For example, try to instantly turn 180 degrees while running, take a shot at an opponent who's chasing you (while continuing to run backwards), and then immediately turn 180 degrees again. Pretty ordinary with mouse/keys, impossible with wiimote/nunchuk.

For the moment, only a mouse can offer accurate reflex moves across 720 degrees.

Resident Evil 4: Wii edition. Press Z and Down = 180 degree turn.

not only does this show it can be done, it has been done. By saying something is impossible all you're saying is you lack the creativity to think of the possibilities. I agree that no wii fps has reached the pc level yet, but to say it is impossible is a bit of a bold statement considering the infancy of the wii fps genre.

Ok, how about quickly turning 160 degrees and aiming 30 degrees upwards. Is there a key for that too? And for the thousands of other possible moves?

My point is that a mouse allows you to aim anywhere almost instantly, provided you have the skill and the reflexes. That level of control is not possible with any existing wiimote control scheme.

You're right it might still be imagined, but that's highly unlikely because 1) you can't let a wiimote control exactly where the player is looking because then the view would be shaky and 2) a wiimote can only register aim when it's pointing towards the IR bar. Still, I'd be happy to be proven wrong.