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demonfox13 said:
cyberninja45 said:
SqueakySamurai said:
cyberninja45 said:
SqueakySamurai said:

Why do people think OOT is the best game of all time? Really, all I can think of is it's great level design and music. Don't get me wrong, I love OOT, but I think the best game of all time should have a great narrative and amazing characters. OOT is none of that. It's the same story as the other games, Zelda is kidnapped by Ganon and Link has to use the Triforce to defeat him and save the princess. I seriously don't care about what happens to the characters, for example, if Link died, I would be shocked that they did that, but I'm not in any way attached to him, besides just the good memories of playing the games. For me, the greatest game of ALL TIME has to have some sort of artistic value in the sense of morals or messages, not aesthetically. The greatest game of ALL TIME has to have fun game-play(duh), great music, well-developed characters that form a bond with the player, a good story, and some sort of artistic value.

For example, I think Metal Gear Solid is the best game of all time, because it has all of those attributes, mainly the character development and story, and OOT doesn't. MGS is the only form of media I have ever cried at, not even Toy Story 3, but OOT is just an extremely well designed game that is very fun and clever at the same time.

But I don't think people care, OOT is always going to be considered the best game of all time, no matter what, simply because of arrogance and shallowness in generally the whole gaming community, I'm not bashing on OOT or the fans AT ALL, I'm just trying to make a point here.

Just my opinion.

after all that and your best game is not an RPG. Some plot twist.

Well to me, to say the best game have to have a great story, is the same as saying the best movie has to have great special effects.

to me,to say the best game has to have great GRAPHICS, is the same as saying the best movie has to have great special effects.

I do like RPGs though, It's just MGS has the gameplay thing down that Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, and Obvilion dont have as much.

Well the thing is, I have always felt that story is a separate aspect from the game, not really necessary no matter how interesting its is or well its written, . Kinda similar to how special effects in movie fells like a separate aspect just for eye candy. Take metal gear for instance, a piece of the game will involve stealthing guys in hallways yadiyadha, then u stop, watch a cutscene about snake finding out hes a clone or whatever, then after get back to the game stealthing guys again. Two seperate experiences not really affecting each other. So if you were to take out the story/cutscenes out, u can play the game just fine. This is true for almost all games.

There is only one franchise I can think of( or I've played) where the story is an integral part of the game,(meaning that if you dont know whats going own in the story, you will lose at the game), thats the Ace attorney games.

Graphics is always integral part of the game obviously, hence the term VIDEOgames.

Actually you forgot to add to that list just about any RPG, then you have Heavy Rain, ME as the choices affect everything that goes on, then you have a sandbox like InFamous where your choices not only affect story but also gameplay and in turn the ending you get, then you have Farenheit (Indigo Prophecy), KOTOR 1 and 2, etc. When story ties into gameplay and affects outcomes, then the story becomes just as important as gameplay. Mario does not need story, nor does most of the Zelda games, nor any FPS, etc. Depending on the game, story can add to an immersive experience or just be tacked on such as "thnx dude, but that chick you are trying to save is in some other castle."

No, not following the story in any those games will not hider your progresss while playing the actual game. The closest situation is giving instructions( like in a rpg when a guy tells u to go to a location to fetch something), which is not really part of the the story.
Read my post carefully again to see what I mean. There are also important words used like 'not really' and 'intergral'( also did some grammtic error edits in the original:/).

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