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Sure chinese item farmer will influence the market but they are just people without bots it will still be hard to find good things. And the main problem in Diablo 2 are dupes they make the prices plummet extremly. Even with chinese Itemfarmers Prices will still be a lot higher then Diablo 2 today. The Auctionhouse just kills of the the trade activities around the game. And offers a safe platform to trade. And I dont know how the rune prices are today i dont care tbh. I stopped playing because the massive amount of high class items took the fun away for me. Chinese Itemfarmers are no problem compared to bots maphack and dupes. One Chinese cant farm much more per day then me when I am serious about it. The amounts of rare items will still be massively reduced compared to Diablo 2.

No real money currency in a game is just wishful thinking. Just because you cant see it inside the game doesnt mean it isnt there. And I am sure Blizzard knows how to make an addicting Diablo again. No matter which team works on it. You should atleast try it cant be worse then what happened with Diablo 2. If an Item is earned with legit methodes its legit for me. Prevent cheating and everything is going to be alright.