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brendude13 said:
demonfox13 said:
brendude13 said:
It's good, don't get me wrong, but I don't really see why people think it's the best game of all time.

I'll admit I never completed the game, but what I played of it was quite repetitive, just in and out of dungeons all the time, after a while I just got sick of it. For a game which is often labelled as an RPG, Ocarina of Time doesn't really have the story, characters or world to make it the best game ever, let alone a great game.

While it is a good game, it just doesn't have the substance to boot.

I don't know who told you it's an RPG, but Nintendo itself labels it as action/adventure. I do agree with you on the rest though. I'll take a Link to the Past and Majora's mask any day.

That's what I would label it, I still think it needs the RPG aspects I mentioned though.

I played a little bit of Majora's mask, while the gameplay wasn't really my thing, the world seemed to be far more imaginitive.

On the second part I would say: EXACTLY! Gaming has evolved and some companies have done a good job, others have not. Pure focus on graphics to distract from the meat (gameplay) is plain stupid. The exception to this rule would be heavily story reliant games such as RPG's. Audio means alot to the game because it sets a tone for the given environment. For example, imagine a current graphics and sound engine of OOT when you first reawaken as older Link and see Hyrule Castle transformed. Imagine a Vortex in the sky creepy looking with purple, red and black mixed, lightning coming down, hearing thunder, wolves/lycans in the distance, owls, crows. Now THAT sets the tone and gives you a sense of "omg how long was I asleep and wtf happened?!?" Lets compare it to a current day action/adventure dungeon crawler loved by the masochists: Demon's Souls. It's a more similar game than people would think. Walking down the corridors constantly with your shield up, worried that someone my pop out and 1 shot you. The first time you cross that bridge in 1-2 only to be turned into a toasty steak by the red dragon, but before that you heard flapping wings getting closer and then a shriek followed by fire! People tend to forget that it is no longer ONLY about the gameplay, there are many more elements to a video game, but we constantly demand more and that is fine. But don't tell me OOT is the greatest game of all time when the flaws are there and it has aged with a recurring theme and no real changes to anything. Again why I praise Majora's Mask because the use of the Ocarina coupled by that 72 hour time limit you have to manipulate while worrying about everything else TRULY grants you a sense of urgency.

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.