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Why do people think OOT is the best game of all time? Really, all I can think of is it's great level design and music. Don't get me wrong, I love OOT, but I think the best game of all time should have a great narrative and amazing characters. OOT is none of that. It's the same story as the other games, Zelda is kidnapped by Ganon and Link has to use the Triforce to defeat him and save the princess. I seriously don't care about what happens to the characters, for example, if Link died, I would be shocked that they did that, but I'm not in any way attached to him, besides just the good memories of playing the games. For me, the greatest game of ALL TIME has to have some sort of artistic value in the sense of morals or messages, not aesthetically. The greatest game of ALL TIME has to have fun game-play(duh), great music, well-developed characters that form a bond with the player, a good story, and some sort of artistic value.

For example, I think Metal Gear Solid is the best game of all time, because it has all of those attributes, mainly the character development and story, and OOT doesn't. MGS is the only form of media I have ever cried at, not even Toy Story 3, but OOT is just an extremely well designed game that is very fun and clever at the same time.

But I don't think people care, OOT is always going to be considered the best game of all time, no matter what, simply because of arrogance and shallowness in generally the whole gaming community, I'm not bashing on OOT or the fans AT ALL, I'm just trying to make a point here.

Just my opinion.