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I sold my N64 in 1997.  I didn't buy another until 2000.  I missed out on Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time when it came out in 1998.  Don't cry for me, though.  When I pre-ordered Wind Waker in 2003, I finally got my hands on the game.  I was convinced.  Even with all of the amazing Gamecube and PS2 games on the market, OoT was the best game I had ever played.  That was eight years ago.

So, I got a Wii in 2007.  When OoT came out, I downloaded it.  For some reason, the magic was gone.  I finished the first dungeon and I turned the game off.  I haven't tried the game, since.  Had my taste in games changed that much in such a small amount of time?  No.  I bought Ocarina of Time 3D and I'm just about to fight the two witches (Twin Rova, I think they're called).  I'm a believer, again.  OoT is all  I can think of.  I'm going to try to finish the game today but, right now, OoT still amazes.

One of my favorite review sites is Spill.Com.  I like the reviewers there because their opinions closely match mine.  It doesn't hurt that their audio reviews  are normally halarious, too.  Well, I listened to their audio review of OoT and I wasn't laughing.  The guys on Spill.Com aren't gamers and don't pretend to be (despite having friends that work for gaming companies).  They present an "everyman" view of things.  They tore Zelda a new asshole with their scathing review of OoT 3D.  And they said that "They don't review a game based on its merits earned in 1998.  They have to review the game based on how good it is, NOW."

Thing is, I think it's still the king of the mountain.  Am I overlooking certain flaws because of nostalgia?  Is Ocarina of Time an outdated mess with spastic controls?  What do you think?