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osamanobama said:
Bong Lover said:
osamanobama said:

also not to mention that letting people keep their own money doesnt add to the deficit, but pretending it does.

government never gets the amount in revenue that they predict from tax increases, and in this case getting rid of the obama tax cuts (we had i vote on these tax rates not to long ago, i seem to remember obama was in office, and he suported it along with his super majorities in both houses of congress) changes behavior people shift their money around, also businesses will be less productive, higher less people, etc, therefor will pay less taxes, than say they had a thriving business with lots of employees. so raising taxes would not only have a detremental impact on economic growth but tax revenue too (there will be a ever so slight increase in tax revenue, though it wont even put a scratch on a microscopic dent on our debt)

I am sure that is what you remember, but in the real world these cuts were set to expire at the end of 2010. The republicans threatened with a government shutdown if the Bush tax cuts were not extended. Same tactics, same result as the current debacle in Congress, and yes, America is suffering as a result.

The way I see it there are two possible ways forward for the USA. Either you continue with very low levels of government spending, but then you have to stop trying to provide social services even remotely similar to the rest of the Western world. Alternatively, increase funding and strengthen the social safety net. Right now the US is stuck in a position where they think they can provide social security, basic health care, public education and a stable infrastructure without paying for it. Most Americans probably don't realize that the quality of health-care and education in the USA is absolute shit compared to most other developed western countries. The infrastructure is following the same trajectory. The only area where the former superpower is not being outperformed by the rest of comparable countries is in military power. Who knows how long that will last though?

Of course, with the two party system currently in place, the only real choice Americans have is is they want to abolish the safety net quickly or slightly slower.


yes, and they had supermajorities in both houses, if the wanted to get something done they could have, but the election was coming up, so they pandered. and they would have been even more destroyed in the election if they raised taxes.

wealth gap has only been increasing since we started all these social programs, they dont work, privatize them, and they will provide a better service for a lower cost.

and we keep doubling and doubling spending on our monopoly on eduction yet scores havent gone up for nearly 50 years, that should tell government something. we should eliminate the department of education, one of the least of reasons is because its unconstitutional.

and our healthcare system is the best in the world, thats why we have the highest survival rates of nearly every medical conditions. could it get better, you bet, you get government red tape out of the way and you will have it. get medical mal practice reform, allow people to buy insurance across state lines etc

Err ?

Right now the social programs are not designed to make a profit, and as most know they are actually making a loss.

Now lets say you privatize them.

That means there will be companies in between that will be looking to make a profit.

Now go ahead and explain me what is going to be the benefit for citizens to have companies making a profit out of their retirement money ????


Right now : 100$ go in, 110$ go out.

your proposal :

100$ go in, some company makes a 20% or so profit.

80$ go out...

Now go ahead and tell people that live only on social security that you propose to cut their revenue by 30%............


As for global healthcare, last I remember the US were only ranked 20 or so worldwide on the quality of their healthcare system...

There are actually states where the life expectancy is going down while in most european countries it is still increasing by 3 months/year or so...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !