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Something else, I agree with whoever said that you don't use the entire keyboard for games (or at least FPS games).

If you want to try playing it rough, try playing an RTS with it's hotkeys or even a simulation game. On my family's first computer around 1998, the first game we owned was Flight Simulator 98 and we also had a demo of Descent: Freespace. If you think FPS controls are difficult to get a hole of, try taking some time to learn Freespace.

The buttons I use are from like 5, t, g, b and everything on the left of those buttons (mainly controls, not exactly things like typing messages). Even then, I don't think I even use all those buttons in games with game's voice commands (like TF2's taunts and z, x, and c ect) take up a bunch of those buttons. Your basis is your w, s, a, d for movement, a jump, and a duck key with the number keys for/mouse scroll wheel for switching weapons.