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robjoh said: washimul said: sieanr said: Maybe the PSP should give up in Japan. And maybe the PS3 should give up in the US, hell, don't launch in Europe either. PSP sold 38 k in JAPAN....whereas the trash box just sold PSP beats x360 by a margin of 10:1 in JAPAN . PSP also beats X360 in Europe. Ps3 has done a good job in US with 244 k(without a game except RESISTANCE) and would do a good job in Europe. at 199 pounds no one wants an x360 in is dead there. ......u can see the ps3 effect there. the game drought for ps3 ends in march with MOTORSTORM + F1 + VF5 +others.................come mARCH x360 wont be on the shelves anymore...........already it is dead in UK Well I dont live in the UK, but I had the impression that UK was one of the strong market for the Xbox360, so where around 50% of the whole EU market, am I wrong?
MS slashed the price because of the phenomenal demand of the ps3.....but the deman for x360 has simply died there in UK. Ps3 comes with f1(europe favourite genre) , MOTORSTORM , RESISTANCE , VF5, RR7 + 30 other games including the updated OBLIVION and FEAR. PS3 comes with a free BD copy of CASINO ROYALE ( england's favourite movie). in may u have LAIR followed by HEAVENLY SWORD , KILLZONE 3, RATCHET AND CLANK, MGS4, WHITE KNIGHT STORY,GUNDAM, MINNA GOLF ,WARHAWK and perhaps FF13 + tons of other games. Unlike US , the european gamers would not have to wait for months for a good game on ps3.....the flow streams continuously from march onwards. so you can easily determine the strength ps3 gains starting from MARCH