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I dont think people realize for the past decade, Microsoft has ALWAYS had horrid news and bad press involving lawsuits, shoddy products and even anti-trust issues. People have been predicting the death of Microsoft, of Windows, and IE and every other Microsoft product for years. If i felt like it, i can pull up similar cases and articles of the EU doing this for the past few years, its pretty much a case of "Same Shit, different month"

And even with all that, somehow Microsoft is still one of the biggest and richest companies in the Tech World. Shit, you know the company has to make money when the owner is 2nd richest man in the world (used to be first not too long ago)

By the way, what the hell does this article have to do with Xbox?

Also, whats the reason for you "hating" a company? did they like come to your house and steal your lunch money or something? Are you a Linux user and mad that game developers spend all their time coding games for PC instead of your OS of choice? Are you a Mac user that thinks Vista stole a ton of ideas of Mac OS X?