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You are reading that wrong. That is the amount that all of Obama's policys are projected to add to the debt through 2017. The $5.07 trillion is the amount the Bush policies added to the debt from FY2002 through FY2009. Remember also that Bush's Tax Cuts, Wars, Medicare Part D are still ongoing. Obama's Stimulus is over. Obama big addition was a 1 time thing. Bush's are recurring.


Both Medicare and Social Security are taxes on wages. Social Security is 6.2% of wages through the 1st $106K. Medicare is 1.45% of wages. Employers match those amounts. BTW in some higher wage industries ( I work in one of these industries) Social Security also encourages employers to have people work OT rather than hire a 2nd person. You can not opt out of Medicare. Now the so called Medicare Part E (Everyone) would still have 1.45% withheld from your wages, but instead of you also paying an Insurance Premium you would pay a Medicare Premium for your own Medicare. The 1.45% would be what you pay into for people over 65. The Medicare Part E premium would be much lower than a private Insurance Premium.


You clearly dont know how Health Insurance really works in the US. 1st as I pointed out as an employer we were were charged a premium to offer plans from competing companies. 2nd the Health Insurance industry is dominated in the US by just a handful of companies. 3rd most people get Insurance through their employer so freedom to move isnt an easy thing to do and as I said in #1 insurance companies make it hard to offer choices to your employees. Going outside of your employer has always been riskier and more expensive as well.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.