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Just want to express my full support for Anders Breivik's ideology.His actions i don't support but makes you wonder would this left-wing european islamophiles notice his and many others stand on plague of our time-islam.His manifesto is absolute must-read,and should be introduced in western schools all over Europe.You,US are still safe from this plague because you import more christians anually then muslims but I would be very weary.THE SINGLE GOAL of every muslim is to work and do everythink in their power to cretate world caliphate and they will not stop until they do it.Their main weapon is not atomic bomb or something like that;it is their women's womb.So Anders attack on his fellow Norwegians is message to Europe on this muslim invasion they orchestrated.

Regardind my politicians,I am from Bosnia and just to say it is very complicated.We have three ethnic groups,2 religions and two states within the state.One is Muslim-Croat (Catholics) federation and other is Serb (Orthodox) entity.Everybody has their own politicians so country as o whole has very fragile institutions and goverment.If you wanna preserve at least some of your sanity you don't want to get to much into politics here.And if you like percentage it is something obout 50 +% for Bosniaks,30% something for Serbs and around 10% for Croats.We don't really know because we didn't have census since 1991.