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There probably was, is and definitely will be other intelligent life in the universe. How we evolved might have a low probability but it is not unique. And we don't even know yet if there might be other ways that lead to intelligent life, not based on carbon and water.

However we might never be able to contact others or recognize them. The universe is expanding at a rate greater then the speed of light and accelerating. Parts are already forever out of reach.
Even intelligent life in the same galaxy can easily be 120 thousand light years away. Light takes longer to reach us from there, then it took to develop modern human intelligence.

Maybe we get lucky and there is another intelligent species nearby, but we'll probably just find bacteria in our vicinity.

Who knows what will happen. We've only been aware of the universe for a couple of thousand years. Send our first signals into space with the invention of radio and our furthest probe, voyager 1, is only 16 light hours away from us in 33 years. It is expected to exit the solar system in 2014.
Sending a probe to the nearest earth like planet is not feasible yet. The best we can do right now is send upgraded versions of the Hubble space telescope into interstellar space and get a clear multi-angle view of nearby star systems.