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After all it's right, that the keyboard/mouse combo is more precise to many people who are used to it, but with some training your wiimote aiming can be as accurate as with a mouse. There are just some things that should be remembered.
-Mouse aiming takes training too. I remember the jump from the old FPS, which I just played with keyboard to the mouse look control. It took me some time to get used to it, not long after all, but the same is with the wiimote. It's another control-sheme, kind of new and it implies some work to get used to it.
-MP3 is just the beginning. The FPSs will become a lot more sensitive in a good (and in some maybe in a bad) way. Devs need some time to work out the perfect control sheme. Try playing ROTT or even Duke3d in comparison with today...
-The Wii offers FPS to a complete new group of people: the left-handed. I know many, who just can't play with keyboard/mouse and with gampad also. Even if they map the buttons, they most often don't have the possibilities like wasd players, so the more buttons-more options argument is only partly correct. I know, many left-handed can play awesome too but there are also many, who just can't get used to the buttons.
-About mapping. You don't need a whole keyboard for any game (maybe 0.1% could use every button) so the most important "could" fit on the wiimote/nunchuk, but it doesn't have to stop there. First off you could use double mapping, so i.e. pressing the Z-Button and the A makes something different than A alone. And if that's still not enough there would be the easy and in my eyes good way of screen-chosing, so pressing a button, freezes the game and let you choose different abilities, i.e. flashlight, gadgets, whatever. This could even be used in fast Multiplayer-sessions once you know where the switch is on the screen it takes you not much longer then a keyboard press. The possibilities are availlable.

In the end I have to largely disagree with omg... I played big parts of MP3 without lock-on, it's definitively playable, the lock-on just makes it easier.

After all we're far from being able to tell, which control sheme is better, and I guess we never will because everyone will feel it different. Atm, keyboard/mouse is better, I have to agree, but we don't know, how games will develop. But I guess we can agree, that it is a lot of fun with the Mote and much better than with Gamepads. Just don't judge the first wave of FPS; we didn't either on first wave of PC-ones. We will see, how effective it will become, I can see the potential :)

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett