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I played oblivion before morrowind and will give my opinions based on that.

Oblivion was a great game. I did a few main missions here and there and only did missions for one house(brotherhood?). But i did the random missions as i came across them. I mainly did what i wanted and explored the map, the mountains and the caves. I stopped playing when all the oblivion gates started to open up all over the place. I would walk a path then turn back to visit a village and there would be, no lie...3 new gates opened in just a small area. They started to pop up all over the place and it was bothersome to a player who just wanted to do his own thing. I played for about 96hours.

I then went on to play Morrowind two years later and the game is not really designed for random exploring. You need to do the missions. I pretty much maxed out my character and had many homes filled with loot. I did the odd missions here and there. My charcter had no magic or spell skill and it really screwed the game.

During random exploring i would be infected with so many diseases and curses or what have you it slowed down the game. You could not buy enough or find enough potions to cure what i got. I was also turned into a vampire, which forced me to open a strategy guide to figure out how to remove it, cause there was no clue ingame how to do it.

I never did finish the game or get rid of the vampire curse. People hated me or were just not where they were meant to be either. Missions i tried to complete were failed due to the broken game. Guide says do a,b,c and a, says something different, B is missing, and C is screwed up.

My charcter was also not able to hold an entire heavy armour set or large weapons as the weight limit was so low it broke any class but a light weight magic guy. The max heavy armour also provided little to no better protection as i found out near the end when i switched from max heavy armour to no skill glass armour and was taking the same damage from what i recall.