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Jay520 said:
Michael-5 said:-

You are right, this vote is like comparing Apples to Oranges, but that Halo Orange is a big Orange. Halo should out vote Heavy Rain, not because it's a better game (both are excellent), but because as a $60 purchase, you get more out of Halo. For the same reason I would expect Halo to out vote Alan Wake, and I would expect GT to do the same as Halo.

Just because a game lasts longer doesn't mean the game is better. If a person doesn't like the gameplay of Reach as much as Heavy Rain, then the length of Reach is irrelevant. A short game can very well be as satisfying as an extremely long game.

Take SOTC for example. It's one of my favorite games of all time, yet I could beat in about 9 hours. It was one of the most engaging and moving 9 hours I've ever spent in a video game, and apparantly people feel the same for Heavy Rain. Compare that to a game like GT5. It's okay. I'm not a huge fan of simulators, but I can bare them. Sure it's extremely long, you can sink hundreds of hours into, but that doesn't change the fact that the gameplay isn't as "fun" as a game like say, SOTC or even Heavy Rain. If someone asked me what game I liked better between GT5 and SOTC, I'm not going to say "GT5 because as $60 purchase, I get more out of GT5". No, that wouldn't make sense. GT5 is good and all, but SOTC was a much more fun and unique experince. Apparantly, people feel the same with Reach and Heavy Rain.

I'm not saying people don't like the gameplay of Reach, it's that they don't like it as much as Heavy Rain, which is purely subjective, and unaffected by the length a game.

Michael-5 said:-

Obviously some people not a fan of the FPS franchise should vote Heavy Rain, especially those who replayed the game multipler times. However this is the best selling HD exclusive were talking about here, it's should be outclassed by a game which sells a fifth as many units. Quality aside, when you're hungry, the big Orange will be more appealing then the small tasty Apple.

Sales don't make a game better at all. Halo selling five times as much as Heavy Rain isn't going to make Halo Reach a better game.

Take Demon's Souls for example. It's held by many as one of the best games of the generation, yet it only sold approx. 1.15m. On the other hand, COD MW2 sold over 20m units. If someone asked me what game I liked better between Demon's Souls and MW2, I'm not going to say "MW2 because it sold more, thus, outclassing Demon's Souls". No, that doesn't make any sense. If you ask people their opinions of a game, that's what you're going to get: their opinions of the game, regardless of how many units the game sold. Apparantly people feel Heavy Rain is the better game.

Taking a look at your sig, I could ask you why you have games like TLG and Xenoblade, which will likely have low sales, as opposed to a higher selling game like MW3. You'll say because you prefer TLG and Xenoblade regardless of their sales, which is completely understandable.

but you said if one game sold more then more ppl like it right???? so you should follow them get mw 2 instead of demon soul lol