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At one point in time our economy was almost strictly agriculture based; and since we evolved from using primitive tools to work animals, early machines and then modern machines, a person today is hundreds of times as productive at producing food as someone was back when we were an agriculture based economy. With this in mind we don't have 99% unemployment because as less people were required to produce food more people were freed up to satisfy the wants and needs of people in other areas.

We have seen the same pattern time and time again, and I can say with certainty that (if governments don't simply pay people to do nothing) people will find new products and services to provide out of necessity. From youtube I can see a future where 10 times as many people can make a living being an entertainer than are doing so today by earning $0.01 from each viewer of their product a day on a small(ish) audience of 10,000 users a day. The rise of dog walkers, personal trainers, and personal shoppers demonstrates a service sector that is growing to satisfy need that people previously didn't know they had. Beyond all of this, every product is becoming computerized which means more software needs to be produced to create products that were once fairly simple; and, while the manufacturing floor may now require far less employees, the R&D department has grown to compensate for a large portion of these losses.