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Once upon a time there was a sweet kid with three bananas, who decided to sucide shoving bananas down his throat so deep that the bananas exploeded with massive damage! However one banana came out of his Giant Enemy Crab's mom's ass, and after that, green dwarfs came. He pierced his heart with a quote from seinfeld. The quote was: "I am out"
And he reincarnated into a prostitute who loves getting salt water taffy, that tastes weird and that satan manufactures from his bowels, making easy money and buying lots of candy from the red unicorn, located on the russian american border amidst world war 69, which remains intense but not decisive, as it should, provide sincere reaction, despite the fact orgies are better than political rallies and super nazis who dislike commies just like xen the transvestite hooker that raped sapphi_snake and then himself for major satisfaction, ran quickly to a nearby shelter and wacthed Lost, drank some vodka and killed himself and met hitler in the third-reich wearing pink tights.
Following this, he ate burritos which being filled with Rocky Mountain oysters that were better than cured troll scrotum that he ate.
Then he went to the nearest sex shop, realising he wanked a sausage instead of the horny hippo he usually wanked.
The sausage exploded!, and jizz flew into some lady's fresh apple pie and spawned a dirty sexy earthworm named Earthworm Jim.
The lady ate The sexy earthworm which cried: "NOOOOOOOOOO" but stayed alive and got married to a unicorn, a red unicorn with a PhD in political sciences.
But she also cheated on him shamelessly.
An inconspicuous passerby stared at his big p*nis and got a blood sucking parasite with blue moustaches that turned into ten million Euros.
That was the money parasite of the living dead named after d21lewis.
Then the world danced with joy to Magdalan's pleasure, then everyone died.
And a new world was born, full of giant undead transvestite hookers with swetty balls.
Such were the ways of the amazing vgchartz storytellers.
They also have very large penises, onion scented armpits and prostitute themselves nonstop, until the stars are aligned with the moon which then creates a massive fountain of Cthulhu jizz which is golden and very sticky like... gold sperm.
Bieber said: Yummy, tastes just like albino hippo jizz.
And I know that when U act so sexy and trying to totally mesmerize me and eat booger with Chinese chopstick which was used simply to say: "I want my Chopsticks up my urethra, pretty please." (Medical term used) "Play games forever ", heralded the voice which came from some random guy. Ouch! Exclaimed the Baron von Krakenfart , who happened to love Britney Spears, who has a very big... dildo that looks like a humongous c*ck of times unknown.
And the size is very BIG.
Dr. Votnick kneeled in front of a transvestite prostitute, a GIANT transvestite prostitute.
The three Stooges are not present anywhere in sight. But the giant transvestite hooker is!!
He is very frustrated because the transvestite hooker gave him herpes for massive damage specifically in his smelly, swetty, balls, Which were decapitated!
Kids fell out of his scrotum, happily landing on a mig-29 cockpit.
The kids said: let's bomb hawaii!
And proceded to bomb hawaiii..duh.
General Yamamoto raged at wiifit sales and created Viifit Volume2 Mega-pain Edition.
Viifit flopped hard....ending the story.


Earthworm Jim returns...giggling like loon, until he's shot by a baloon.
Causing massive damage!
He goes to a nearby hospital and the nurse is a zombie with humongous boobs and spider feet who ate Jim and another patient.
And then she spawned a giant spider worm baby that killed many babies with huge, giant enemy crabs.
These crabs wanted sand and stuff as a ransom because they kidnapped some hot chick who was a transvestite hooker with anti-crab spray and Mecha-Eels.
She attacked the crab headquarters with anti-crab spray.
Crab people counterattack!, said Master Crab.
They rushed her and started to claw her nipples moaning in delight. Her nipples got mutated into two aliens with chickenpox, attacking the crabs.
Taste like like people...Crab people, crab.....people" yelled the crabs.
The hooker Was hiding something...inside her uterus, probably some heroin addict with syphillis dipped in horsecum which she took and cared for with her dicktits.
Little did she know about werecrabs, of legendary kind, half crab, half...penis.
With such penetrating powers that the strongest wall would crumble instantly.
However, a weak moderator named twesterm dared to undermine this epic story, by calling Kratos who killed them all, 1000 times, Then, he searched for the red unicorn without horn in order to reach mount olympus and kill Zeus, then sharted on Heavenly_king for deviating,Heavenly_King is sad, that he ruined the story, so he goes, plays GOWIII and quickly disappears to rape himself very very violently.


There was once a troll who couldn't stop trolling and spammed many threads. His name was:
Heavenly_king .
His face was ugly as f*uck, so ugly that..he commited suicide, only to resurrect as a vagina with built in...clitoris.
Only then, a horny ninja violated resurrected Heavenly_king , who confessed that he licked c*ck and loved it.
And then realised, moments too late, that it was a transvestite hooker: the key to permanent self gratification