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RolStoppable said:
dsage01 said:

GT is meant for pro racers only. It's been the same since GT 1. GT5 was extremly fun to those who are good at racing games it's not like any typical racer that is meant for 13 year old kids. Now days reviewers are appreciating casual games more which really dissapoint me. Now days I think reviewers only look for games that are easy, fun and looks nice. GT5 is defintley fun there is no dount about that. But unlike Halo and Call of Duty GT still attracts the same type of people (Pro racers). If you have no expereince with racing games than GT5 will be a bore to you.

I haven't played GT5, only the first three games. But I think I can take your word for it that the series hasn't really changed at its core over all those years. I like to think of myself as being good at racing games and the Gran Turismo series is the most boring racing franchise in existence, because there's no real balance whatsoever. Most races are already decided when you reach the first corner of a track, because by that point you can already see that the AI won't be able to keep up. The only way to make races interesting is by deliberately trying to hit the sweet spot of using a similarly powered car as the AI. Endurance races are even worse; it's no fun at all to play the same track for an hour or more and lap the opponents a dozen times.

This glaring lack of balance in difficulty always made me believe that Gran Turismo is not meant to be a series for racing fans, but rather people who first and foremost like to look at shiny cars. Racing means fighting for positions, thrill, excitement, adrenaline pumping through your body. Gran Turismo is just driving and buying new cars. The fun aspects of Gran Turismo are tuning your car, spending your money on something. The actual races are just something you endure for the sake of improving your collection of cars.

I would have agreed with you 8 months ago when GT5 released, but with the updates GT5 has become a better racing game.  Within the first month I had already blasted through all the A-spec events [except endurance races] with ease, but the seasonal events added later and the addition of performance points and limitations, events are now of much greater dificulty. Though admidetly, the AI has not changed, the limitations make races challenging and fun again. I've recently started playing GT5 again. I've spent countless hours trying to gold all the events and licenses, and I soon will. 1st Platinum trophy here I come!

Just so you know, I'm trying to say that GT has changed from what you may know of it. Maybe you can give it a shot eventually.
