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Cool- cgi, ricosuave, kenny etc etc way too many people :)
Old- kowen

Smart- joeorc..miss this guy

Annoying- pizzafacegamer, michael5 tie

and cone how can you say psv is overpriced? :S I mean ffs the rumor is they might have to sell it for a 'loss' ...the hardware is not overpriced at all

anywho Q's for carl

1. what's with the 2291? random or hidden meaning?
2. Looks like you're a big fan of VC..did you play VC 2? what you think of it?
3. Favorite pornstar?
4. sounds like you are happy with psv and what it offers. what would you like to see from Sony on the next home console?


edit: nvm about Q 1 :P looks like you just answered it

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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