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o_O.Q said:
Mad55 said:
@o_O.Q your trippin if you think 3rd party developers put as much effort into the wii as the ps3 or 360.

didn't say that but nintendo didn't provide them with the adequate tools to make their games as they wanted so what were they supposed to do? make simpler games to run on wii and make the more complex games for the consoles that can run them that way you get games on all the platforms.... regardless of whether people want to accept it or not games like skyrim or arhkam city or battlefield 3 etc would not run on the wii from the standpoint of power and also because the control itself is lacking for certain types of games therefore different games are made to run on the wii 

Complexity doesn't make a game good, in fact it's the simplicity that the Nintendo platform is known for. It's not that Nintendo didn't provide the right tools for the Wii it's the fact that the best 3rd party game on the Wii is RE4: Wii Edition (imo) and that's a remake from a last gen system which doesn't have as much processing power which leaves the developing tools weaker; leaving your argument weaker.

By saying Nintendo didn't give adequate enough tools for developers to make their games good you are saying that every single system in history from previous gens didn't have adequate enough tools for developers to make their games good. If this is so then why is the PS2 regarded by many as having the best gaming library? If good memorable games can come out of 3rd party PS2 developers then why can't the same happen to the Wii.  Nintendo DID provide adequate enough tools it's just that most of the developers simply cashed in on the casual crowd or just took the short walk and make half-asses games because the casual crowd just eats 'em up.

The OP was stating concern for the WiiU having the same predicament and rightfully so.