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EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
HappySqurriel said:
EdHieron said:
HappySqurriel said:
EdHieron said:

Was Bush ever called a Muslim or was the country of his birth ever questioned?

no, but he was also very public about his faith, attending church regularly, unlike obama how when he did go to church went to a radical black liberation theology church, one with a socialist docterine.

and with the obscurity of obamas past especially his child hood, like going to indonessia for school (or what ever country it was), and not providing his birth certificate until Trump, combined with people who dislike his policies trying to find a way to delegitamize him.

So, Tea Party types aren't intelligent enough to tell the difference between a black Liberation Christian Church and Islam?

seeing, as you ignored the majority of my post and the rational behind it.

also, Black liberation theology has more similarities to islam than Christianity, just listen to his former pastor, and then tell me who he like more, a Christian or a muslim. also Obama, having 2 parents be muslim (bio-dad, and adopted dad), his very apparrent muslim simpathy, and great reverence for the religion, and like i said their intense dislike for his policies all contribute to that.

i for example dont believe he is a Christian or a muslim, i believe he claims to be Christian because its politically expediant. i think he has a hodge podge of beliefs, some coming from Christianity, some coming from islam, some from other religions, most from secularism