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osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
badgenome said:
EdHieron said:



In regards to your comment that the Tea Party is hardly poor and uneducated, I guess you didn't read the statistics that Happy Squirrel posted from USA Today that said that a combined 68% of Tea Party Members had only no college or some college.  It's not as if the Tea Party is in any way a bunch of Ph. D. folks.

As for your comment that the Tea Party is hardly poor, if you look at Happy Squirrel's statistics 55% of Tea Party members make over $50,000 a year which means that 45% of them don't.

And both of these statistics go along quite well with my contention that The Tea Party is made up by quite a few rich folks that don't want to pay any more of their money in taxes to really help out the lower classes in this country and that the group is made to look much bigger than it actually is by the amount of rather uneducated (68%) poor white people (79%) that have ingrained prejudices mainly stemming from The Bible and Conservative (70%) upbringings that bias them against Obama due to his skin color.

It certainly is a substantial argument because it's true.  Sorry if the truth bites you in the butt. 

its seems rather evident that your reading comprehension is low, but. those statistic prove that they are in line with the rest of the population.

and actually they have a higher percentage of black people than the regualr republican party.

and all you are saying is they have a 70% (number pulled out of your ass) Christian up bringing, meaning they are racist, using absolutely

no evidence to back it up. i could say liberals have a 80% non religious up bringing, ingraining racial and prejudious thoughts in them.


and you do know Christians give more to Charities than non-religous people do, right (4x more than others)

also conservatives give 30% more to charity, while earning 5% less on average than liberals. 

so stop shitting lies all over the place

Regarding your first sentence:  What you lack the brains to come up with an original insult, Sherlock?  How weak can you get, badgenome pulled that one first.


Also, the 70% isn't pulled out of my rear, Dummy.  It's based on the fact that in the past November elections 70% of the Christian votes went to Tea Party and Republican Candidates, so even though USA Today failed to provide the data on how many Tea Partiers are Evangelicals or Fundamentalists ( note 70% of American Christians fall into these two misguided groups) and due to the Tea Party's oft repeated mantra that they want to put God back in everything: (see the number of signs in this video about the Tea Party advocating that the nation return to its false Christian roots (they must be meaning Salem, Massachusetts as the Founding Fathers had other beliefs), then they're must be quite a bit of cross-over between the two groups.


Also, the charities that Christians mainly give to are their churches (which should not be tax deductable donations) and really shouldn't count as charitable donations seeing how many of those tax free dollars actually go into the upkeep of their churches and into their ministers pockets (which is a real sin that these kooks make far more money than legitimate school teachers)  ather than to any real charitable operations.


If you remove the donations that Conservatives make to churches from the number of dollars donated to legitimate charities, then they donate far less than any other group. 

i pointed out that time and time again you fail to be able to read graphs, and the you proceed to compliment me by calling me one of the greatest detectives in literature. so thank you.

also conservatives still give more usefull things, like blood (18% more), but that must be Church blood, they must keep that for them selves and have pastors dirnk during ancient egyption ceramonies, never reaching people in need, right. and actually if you exclude Church charities (which is absolutely rediculous) liberals only out give give conservatives by <3%.

also, there is a difference between giving offerings to the Church, like during a service (which a significant portion of that goes to charity anyway, for example, during any given church service my church gives 25% of donations to living water international), and giving to a Chirch sponsored Charity, which goes directly to things like giving clothes to the poor, food, shelter, furnature to needy, thats almost exclusively Church driven, in fact the catholic church, has given more than any of your liberal instititions could dream of.

and like a said liberals are less likely to give to things that will directly impact people like the poor, and instead give to muesums and universities

However, many times when churches give things to the poor, they also try to indoctrinate them into believing the gibberish that most of the church's followers believe in.  Isn't that correct?  So, in effect the churches are actually only giving in an attempt to create more followers for their religion which in turn will give more to prolong the existence of the church in the future?  And, in turn their propogating the ancient slave system that the church happens to be, so what they are actually doing is expanding the net for future attempts at fascism.


And actually giving to museums and universities is far more beneficial than in giving to churches because universities, unlike churches, have the ability to actually teach their students things of real importance and that might actually broaden their lives rather than entrapping them in the ancient slave system that the church happens to be.  That is certainly a much more selfless and charitable endeavor than giving to churches.

living water digs wells in predominately muslim regions, so....

evangalizing, how dare the Church atempt to save people's souls, lets all kill them. and fortunately if the poor reject their teachings, they still get soup and shelter. good luck having a different view than your proffesor and get a passing grade.

no matter how you try to spin it, conservatives still give astronomically more than liberals, and only a little little bit less if you exclude church charities (which is insane, as the services they provide benefit millions more people than thing liberals give to, how exactly does a musem help). liberals like giving other peoples money, while conservatives give their own (something Christian values intill in them), and make less

The world doesn't need Christian values.  It's past that stage in its evolution and has been for close to 160 years.  And, along with whatever good Christian values give to people it also teaches many people to do very petty things like hate gays or subjugate women.


Christianity teaches that all the world's ills will be cured by a dead and non existent God like Jesus.  And it really holds them back in many ways.  Why push for beneficial things like improvements to one's worthless healthcare purchased from the company you work for when the world's about to end and Jesus supposedy will bring you Cadillacs and Mansions?


No donations to universities and scientific instiitutions that do real research into improvements in medicine and technology help far more people than donations to Christian churches ever do.