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HappySqurriel said:
EdHieron said:
HappySqurriel said:
EdHieron said:

Actually, those figures from USA Today very much support my position and are one of the primary sources that I've used for data to come to my conclusion (79% white, 68% are fairly uneducated  49% employed probably quite a few of those are poor whites that are employed at low rent jobs like the fast food industry and that are very much prejudiced due to being brought up on The Bible).  The only thing USA Today failed to do was list the Religious makeup by percentage of the Tea Party.  Maybe it's hard to peg down due to the fact that they're misleading about it much as they won't express the fact that they don't like Obama due to his skin color.  However, I do consider that to be an essential yet missing piece of information here.   My guess though is that far more than 50% of them are either Evangelical or Fundamentalist Christians.  Have to go now.  Back later. 

So the fact that they're a good cross section of the American public that earns more on average than the typical American implies to you that they're poor white racists?

Please answer me this question, if the Tea Party supporters are intolerant racists why are there no videos to support this claim? If progressives are so tolerant why are there so man videos of these groups making ignorant and intolerant statements posted on the web? Why do you continue to hold beliefs which are contradicted by facts and why are you so unwilling to question a worldview which has to have been spoonfed to you (probably by MSNBC)?

There actually not a very good cross section of the American public.  A good cross section would be definitely be around 50% in all areas.  The Tea Party leans heavily to the Right (70% of them being Conservatives and probably an equal amount being Evangelical).  There are hardly any moderates in the Tea Party (only 22% with Moderates actually making up 38% of the general public which throws the cross-section theory out the window) uneducated (68% of them don't have college degrees), and almost half of them make less than $50,000 a year -- you know the poor white group that are really only against Obama due to his skin color and that would really start to cause problems in this country if the Conservatives really got bold enough to cut out their medicare and other free healthcare programs, their welfare and their social security. 

On Racist Tea Party videos: This one certainly has images of Confederate flags being held by Tea Partiers, the number of signs stating that America is supposed to be a Christian Nation is certainly indicative of a religious bias, and the Tea Party's insistance that Obama has is a Muslem and or is not an American citizen also has definite racially motivated elements.


Also it appears that there's at least one truthful Tea Partier in the bunch:


Why is equating Obama to Hitler, calling him the anti-Christ, claiming he is a terrorist, or countless other forms of rhetoric "Racist" while it was completely acceptable to equate Bush to Hitler, call Bush the anti-Christ, claiming Bush was a terrorist or countless other forms of rhetoric considered entirely acceptable?

Of that list of dozens of supposedly "racist" signs you demonstrated, the vast majority of those signs were almost identical to the signs that were used on Bush, most of the remaining signs could be considered "innappropriately-Racial" rather than racist, and only a couple would be clearly racist.

Was Bush ever called a Muslim or was the country of his birth ever questioned?