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DélioPT said:
Hell really is a place. A place where souls and demons burn in fire. If you want to know more read this

This only means it is real in catholic belief, not necessarily in other christian beliefs that interpret the bible differently as they may not accept those apparitions any more than you would accept apparitions from other religions.

Jesus didn`t threw rocks at the prostitute because He was showing her and them forgiveness and Love.

I wasn't so much asking why he didn't do it as much as how is it not contradictory of the old testament.

 In this passage you will see a reason: Mark 10:2-12.
I`d just like to point something out: How God Himself bends He`s whishes for us.

So how can we use god's laws as moral precept if he will give us immoral laws to satisfy our wishes? Shouldn't he give only moral laws and punish those who disobey? 

Why baptism? Well, even Jesus was baptized so that his human nature would be free from the original sin

That's strange, earlier you were using the lady of fatima apparition, pointing to you being catholic, which is only reinforced by your profile saying you are in portugal which is mostly catholic. Don't you know that Mary, according to catholic belief, was born in an immaculate conception, that is she was free from the original sin and thus could not have passed it on to Jesus (and neither could Joseph as he was not the father).

The catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception is to justify claiming Jesus as free from the original sin so why would he need to be purified from something that he was never tainted with?

Note that I do not disagree with your interpretation as it is the same i was taught as a kid, but I am surprised that you would advance it. It is also possible that my understanding of the immaculate conception and its consequence in catholic belief is faulty. If so could you explain where I err?

But my point was that if believing in Jesus's teachings as opposed to his divinity was enough then the addition of the baptism condition in the passage I quoted would be unnecessary. We agree on that interpretation but player1x3 disagrees.

If i may had something to the why don`t good people go to heaven just because they don`t believe in God.
The question is not if people do right or wrong, per se. It`s why they do it, too.

I actually touched on that in an earlier post. If that was the case then there still would be no need for a belief in Jesus's divinity or god's existence because god, being omnipotent, could not only know if we did good but also why we did the good things we did.

It`s part of our nature, but to be given the grace of salvation you need more then just be good, you have to share yourself with Jesus, be one with Him. And there`s a whole life for that.

But doing good for good's sake is not dependent on believing in Jesus' divinity. If you really believe that it is then you believe that every non-christian (atheists, muslims, hindus, buddhists, shintoists...) cannot do good for good's sake as they do not believe in the divinity of Jesus.

If heaven and God are connected, how can one who doesn`t "accept" God in his heart, still want to go to heaven?

If find both heaven and hell as seen in mainstream christianity (so not player1x3's view) to be two forms of hell. The hell named Hell through "physical" torture (physical put in scare quotes due to not having a body so not physical but yet described as a torment of the body with flames... that you wouldn't care about if you didn't have a body to feel them). The hell named Heaven as a mental torture by lack of mental stimulation, i.e. boring you to death except you don't die and it lasts for eternity.

I find it rather telling that christian imagery is so replete with detailed descriptions of what happens in hell but scant description of what happens in heaven and is more likely due to them being created by humans more expert in inflicting pain on others than in causing bliss.

Besides, if depictions of hell were from god he would have been better of saying people would be cast in the Sun, a nuclear fire hotter than any hell conceived by man and with a pressure magnitudes worse than any clamp ever devised.

It`s something like someone coming to you and saying: I love you and i want to give myself to you body and soul, but for you to have this, i need to see the same love from you.

Well, no. It is literally "love me or burn in hell". How do you think girls would react if I tried that pick-up line? Would they interpret it as my unbounded love for them?

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"