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Troll_Whisperer said:
oniyide said:
This is a funny argument. Wii owners will complain when the version of an HD game they get sucks, blaming it on the devs, knowing full well that the Wii isnt capable of of handling some of the things the HDs can do. Then they wonder why certain games that are on HD are not on Wii at all.

I can understand them. The Wii shouldn't get versions of HD games anyway. It should get its own original games. I think that's the main complain. The poor versions seem a way to capitalise on the success of the older brothers (HD versions). You rarely see 3rd companies releasing good original games on Wii. The proof is that if you look at the top 20 games on Wii, the vast majority of them are from Nintendo. The Wii should be at least capable of having games as good as PS2, GC and XB had.

And when they do get original games some of them still complain, ok granted, SC Legends and that Castlevania Judgement were kinda crap. But what of DS, those RE chronicles?? Lets be real, those games were hated before they even hit the shelves, some people were judging it on what it wasnt except for what it WAS. I think quality of games is subjective, but i sorta agree with the last point