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Nintendo shouldn't get what they don't deserve, they're probably the worse third party publisher to work with out of the big three and yet people still can't grasp why third party support on the Wii can't match the output of games on the PS3/360.

- The HD consoles sell their games for $60 each at launch, that is significantly more than the $50 or lower they'd have to launch with on the Wii.

- The games people want ported from the HD consoles (Assassins Creed 2) cannot be easily ported to the Wii without major drawbacks. The resolution would make it downright ugly, the number of NPCs on screen would be significantly less, the draw distance would be much shorter and fairly foggy, the AI of the NPCs would be less intelligent, the frame-rate might take a hit, the controller layout would have to be adjusted specifically to suit the Wii remote and that could get janky. People will see the port and criticise it, if you don't want a port then you basically want a whole new AAA game made exclusively for the Wii and then that'd be criticised when Ubisoft Montreal don't have the man power to shift 100 developers to a whole new project for a platform with a history of not selling similar types of games.

- Ubisoft can't make money after the initial purchase, why should they go through the extra effort of porting or developing a new game when one of their largest sources of revenue can't be accessed because Nintendo were too cheap to put a hard drive into the Wii. DLC is important to them, it was also important for a lot of big third party games this generation.

- Nintendo aren't making any sort of effort in trying to persuade these publishers, what can they give? Sony and Microsoft are all about attracting third party publishers to their platform, it could be by funding their games, allowing Steam on the platform, putting them in the spotlight for Summer of Arcade, buying exclusive content, buying exclusive launch windows and just making their platforms as appealing as possible to develop and release games on. Nintendo doesn't make a quarter of the effort and when they do try it's always half hearted.

There are so many reasons why third party publishers choose to avoid the Wii and most of it is Nintendo's fault, they made the choice early on about what their system would be and how they'd market it and they've stuck to that stance for the last five years. Just Dance sells very well on the Wii, Ubisoft have made a legitimate effort to put out good games on the console and none of them have worked out, they're just sticking to what works.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.