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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

this is what i said

"this is something that is becoming a hot topic in the industry that devs aren't doing new things instead relying on the same formula thats assured sales"

this is what you said 

"say that the way going forward is taking established series, completely abandon their core gameplay and move them into a different genre."

you see any differences between those 2?

In other words, your "proof" isn't readily available.

I said that you should find someone who is backing up your views in the preceding post and with that I meant all of it, not just a itsy bitsy tiny portion of your choice.

You are constantly losing the argument, but you can't admit being wrong, so you twist words around, deny that you said certain things or just generally try to distract from the points that were being made. You want to be a gamer who appreciates all sorts of gaming, but you aren't helping your cause here.

"I said that you should find someone who is backing up your views in the preceding post and with that I meant all of it"

to be honest i never took this seriously as it seemed so absurd to me... 

"You are constantly losing the argument"

funny enough i had a different impression 

"so you twist words around"

lol not as bad as you "What you are arguing is that the Wii is a big piece of shit and deserved everything it had coming."

"deny that you said certain things"

yup when you said this "What you are arguing is that the Wii is a big piece of shit and deserved everything it had coming."

i said : "go back and quote me where i said any of that shit" because i never said any of that nothing even close...


"generally try to distract from the points that were being made"

i guess maybe


"You want to be a gamer who appreciates all sorts of gaming"

lol want to be? i am i've play games across all consoles and love experiences exclusive to each can you even honestly make that claim?

and as i pointed out before anyone who loves all sorts of gaming would want options which was provided in the situation with legends instead of making all versions follow the same formula the wii version was taken in a different direction which arguably wasn't a good direction but i still commend the devs for trying something new