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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

1. 2. never before have i seen someone be so critical of devs for trying something new is an era where gamers are crying out for originality what you've basically been saying is you'd rather devs keep gaming secluded to what we know now instead of pushing forward with new ideas and innovating...

with this process there will be occasions where devs fail soul calibur is an example of this but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have been attempted 

3. well i just put this down to you being paronoid 

"then you better have someone backing your views up"

proof of what i've been claiming is readily available... go to google type in "originality" and "gaming" and read the links that come up... as i said this is something that is becoming a hot topic in the industry that devs aren't doing new things instead relying on the same formula thats assured sales ( a good example is people complaining about CoD )... and thats why i commend devs attempting new things like what was done with legends

For someone who is so against putting words in other people's mouth, you sure like to make use of that practice yourself.

Post your proof. Show me that industry insiders say that the way going forward is taking established series, completely abandon their core gameplay and move them into a different genre.

this is what i said

"this is something that is becoming a hot topic in the industry that devs aren't doing new things instead relying on the same formula thats assured sales"

this is what you said 

"say that the way going forward is taking established series, completely abandon their core gameplay and move them into a different genre."

you see any differences between those 2?