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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

"Third parties decided against making good games for the Wii. Soul Calibur Legends is a prime example of this practice."

nah only if you're someone who believes original = bad 

"I am not sure why you still insist that Namco probably made the right decision"

because the point of the wii was to open up new forms of gameplay which they attempted 

"you aren't arguing as a gamer here, but rather as a corporate shill"

a true gamer wouldn't want 3 versions of a game to be exactly the same... a true gamer would embrace a developer attempting something new especially when theres a choice... anyone who didn't like legends had the option of getting it on HD consoles ( even though you disregard this fact )... what you're arguing is that there should be no options and everything must be the same

1) Soul Calibur Legends is a bad game. Look up the critical reception, the people who reviewed it are fans of Soul Calibur.

2) Games being terrible certainly wasn't the point of the Wii.

3) A true gamer would want that developers treat all platforms equally, dumping Soul Calibur Legends on the Wii is breaking this rule. A true gamer rejects the bastardization of a beloved series. A true gamer doesn't have the attitude of "sucks to be you, but it's your fault if you don't own the console where developers choose to put their real games on". What you are arguing is that the Wii is a big piece of shit and deserved everything it had coming.

1. i thought people on this site rejected reviews? but regardless i hardly doubt any high profile developer like namco does a game expecting it to bomb in terms of critical reviews... from where i stand they attempted something new and in the end it didn't work out for them but i don't knock them for trying because thats what leads to innovation... its like how people claim the golden eye remake is better now with wii controls... if the devs hadn't attempted it this obviously wouldn't have happened 

2. never said that but as i said "the wii was to open up new forms of gameplay" right or wrong? if thats right why come down on them so hard when they attempt it?

3. "A true gamer rejects the bastardization of a beloved series"

what makes mario galaxy any less of a bastardisation? because it was successful? because you say so? 

 "A true gamer doesn't have the attitude of "sucks to be you, but it's your fault if you don't own the console where developers choose to put their real games on"

What you are arguing is that the Wii is a big piece of shit and deserved everything it had coming."

go back and quote me where i said any of that shit