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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

"did Soul Calibur IV underperform on the HD consoles" never said so but unlike a wii version would have, it showed a step forward from soul calibur 2 maybe that contributed to its success

"Soul Calibur IV would have not faced any direct competition on the Wii" true btw my argument was never that it would have failed simply that to say that soul calibur legends shows developer negligence is uncalled for.... why if the HD versions follow the original formula and arguably do it better should the wii version do the same when the hardware is capable of taking the series in a new direction? 

This goes back to the original argument: Third parties decided against making good games for the Wii. Soul Calibur Legends is a prime example of this practice.

I am not sure why you still insist that Namco probably made the right decision. As I've previously said, you aren't arguing as a gamer here, but rather as a corporate shill. You try to justify the absence of SC IV on the Wii at all costs.

"Third parties decided against making good games for the Wii. Soul Calibur Legends is a prime example of this practice."

nah only if you're someone who believes original = bad 

"I am not sure why you still insist that Namco probably made the right decision"

because the point of the wii was to open up new forms of gameplay which they attempted 

"you aren't arguing as a gamer here, but rather as a corporate shill"

a true gamer wouldn't want 3 versions of a game to be exactly the same... a true gamer would embrace a developer attempting something new especially when theres a choice... anyone who didn't like legends had the option of getting it on HD consoles ( even though you disregard this fact )... what you're arguing is that there should be no options and everything must be the same