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HappySqurriel said:
EdHieron said:

I guess you would prefer it if they were teaching their students that the myths in the Bible were true and that they were indoctrinating their students into a Randian philosophy or to be complacent slaves to those with more money?

Being that I'm an agnostic with 2 degrees, I believe that the discussion or study of any religion should be restricted to the department of religious studies, the discussion or study of any political ideology or movement should be restricted to political science or history, and the discussion of economic systems should be restricted to the department of economics. Beyond that, the bulk of departments in the humanities and social sciences which have been introduced over the past 60 (or so) years that typically have the suffix “studies” should be seriously evaluated to determine whether they meet the academic rigor people expect from an institution of higher learning; or whether (as their critics would claim)  they’re simply the home of political figures who use their position to add credibility to their cause and indoctrinate students in their beliefs.

However when you're talking about politics in the United States you have to talk about Fundamentalist Christianity because it is inextricably connected to Conservative political beliefs.  See how 70% of Christians that voted in 2010's elections voted for Conservative Tea Party Candidates and how the policies of many of those that are running for President on the Conservative ticket have a quite heavy handed attachement to Fundamentalist Christian ideals Bachmann, Palin (probably running), Rick Perry (probably running, (Romney is a Mormon which is certainly a more fundamentally oriented branch of Christianity than the more liberal brands -- which really don't tend to have much influence in how politics play out in the US).

Now the people that embrace these ideals do have the power to steer American politics in a fascist direction as many of the people that follow these politicians also have a vested interest  (that mainly stems from their Christian beliefs) in controlling the actions of other Americans ie. trying to repeal women's rights to obtain abortions and denying gays the right to marry.  All these types of actions stem from the fascist nature of Fundamentalist Christianity which demands that everyone kowtows to the whims of their human made God.