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Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
Player1x3 said:
EdHieron said:
MrBubbles said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:


Modern day conservatives want liberty and freedom - but primarily for market sectors, and not personal sectors. That is 'conservative' as most nations have had less regulation/economic controls in the past, thus they want to 'conserve' this. Likewise, most personal freedoms have been restricted in the past, thus want to 'conserve' it.

Likewise, modern day liberals want the opposite of this - market restrictions and personal freedoms.

Well, economic liberalism is only a small part of overall liberalism. Overall conservatives still don't care much for freedom or liberty.

Given that you've never held a job, run a business, or hired anyone, I believe you don't know enough about the subject to make such an assertion.

Economic liberty to those that work, employ people, or run a business is just as valid as those that engage in personal liberties. Furthermore, heavily liberal ideologies also support redistribution of all workers' incomes in various fashions means that they are directly pre-empting your work with their own views of where your livelihood should go. Additionally, it means in some cases, you may or may not buy certain goods or services to which they deem are improper for society (such as fatty food taxes, wage and salary caps by economic sector, price controls). These things are just as egregious as the state deciding who you can marry, what you can say in a public domain, what you may smoke or drink, and the like.

I actually don't think they're on the same level. And if I have to choose, I'll choose the side that's defending what I care about more. Still, conservatives are hardly liberal even in economic matters. They're the chief opponents of things like legalizing drugs or prostitution, and unlike liberals who give somewhat compelling reasons for things they want to restrict/ban something, conservatives base their arguments on irrational things like religion (basically their dislike of personal freedoms extends in the economical sphere also).

liberals (in america) are completely inconsistant in what they value as rights, it constintly changes in order to gain a bigger voter base. they pander and change just so they can get votes.

and in our country our rights are God given, not by government

God doesn't exist.

if you are going to make such definitive statements on the subject you must have definitive proof...? 

Well, in the big picture of things if you're talking about some generic deistic God, then I don't have any proof that such a god doesn't exist other than the fact that if there was one you would think that it would show itself in some fashion which it has never done.

 If on the other hand you're implying as most people seem to do and as Osamanobama was that that "God" is Yahweh and that Yahweh was the father of Jesus and the creator of everything in the universe and all people must follow his laws or go to Hell some day, then I would consider the fact that since Yahweh was just a literary invention of the Bible's J author and based upon a hodgepodge of other earlier Egyptian and Mesoptamian Gods, then I would say that that is definitive proof that God meaning Yahweh the God of Judeao-Christianity  and Islam and that most American Conservatives claim is God definitely doesn't exist.

Oh, here it is folks! The open minded, freedom loving,  tolerant liberal has SPOKEN! Listen to this voice of reason or face the fury of the judgement that he so heavly accuses Christians of !!!!

Well, I am convinced !!!!! Thats such a compeling evidence, I dont know how could have I been so blind! Thank you for opening my eyes with this remarkable post !!!!!


But seriously, thats has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever read in my whole life. And I know I said this few times back, but this time I actually mean this

Oh, I guess it's only ignorant because you haven't done the proper research.  I bet you haven't even had one class in Higher Biblical Criticism at a major university.  That would really explain why you have no idea as to how the Bible was actually written.


Here are a few links to help you come out of your cloud of ignorance:

On How Yahweh was based on earlier Gods from the Mesopotamian and Egyptian regions: (note:  I definitely don't come to the same conclusions as Sitchin but he does a good job of demonstration how the earlier Sumerian religion influenced the later Hebrew one's conception of its God).


On The J author -- the original author of the Torah that invented Yahweh from a hodgepodge of the earlier Gods of that region ( )

On the Documentary Hypothesis and further elaboration upon how The Torah was conceived (before it's completion four other authors or schools of authors were instrumental in bringing The Bible to its final form (The E author that felt that the J author was wrong in only having one of the gods in her version of the Bible and the later three groups of priestly authors that brought The Bible back to including only one God as it's easier to control the populace when they're only following one God and following the example of ancient Egypt knew that if you could control a populace's beliefs then you could control their actions added most of the laws that are included in The Old Testament)

Wellhausen --

Massey --

On The Documentary Hypothesis of the construction of The Torah --


Next time due a bit of study and research so that you won't be so surprised when a new idea to you that you consider to be ignorant actually turns out to be true.

That only suggestes (it doesnt prove) that Torah was written during different periods of time .Symbolics in todays abrahamic religions are from pagan religions - no one is denying that. But the specifics of an abrahamic God (which is the God christians worship) were originally presented to mankind by Moses. And the linking of pagan Gods to an abrahamic one has already been debunked dozens of times by now. Its something simmilar to what Zeitgeist tried to pull off and failed hardly

That link should show why linking pagan gods and saints to an abrahamic God is dumb

Even in one of those articles it says that Yehweh bears little resemblance of the God Christians worship, so its very likely that they had no idea who Yahweh was or they mixed them up with some of the pagan figures. Pagan symbolics are present in todays abrahaic religions - but not the concep of God himself.


Actually, I haven't looked into Zeitgeist that closely, however, if most of its critics happen to be Chritsians, in my opinion that wouldn't be indicative of its failing hard.  And all that you have to do to see the much earlier Sumerian influence on the religion of the Hebrews is go back and read the Babylonian and Sumerian texts which are very much in existance today.  Yahweh is very much based on Ea and Enki and to some extent on the Egyptian monotheistic traditions started by the Egyptian King Akhenaten and by the Persian Zoroaster.  As widely regarded a figure as Sugmund Freud believed Moses to have been a priest of Akhenaten's order. 

At any rate it's well known today (and has been for over two centuries see America's Founding Father Thomas Paine's Age of Reason) that Moses didn't write the first five books of the Bible As for the Documentary Hypothesis, without a doubt, it is very much the accepted scholarly notion of how The Bible was written and is taught in every major university and Howard Bloom author of the Book of J is a highly distinguished professor at Yale University.  One could lable someone like Gerald Massey or Acharya S. as being a bit pseudoscientific perhaps though I think it would mainly be the Christians or someone with stock in the Christian religion that would want to do so. However, a book that has long been without scholarly reproach Sir James G. Frazier's The Golden Bough covers the same ground and though considered to be a bit dated is very much considered an authoritative work dealing with much the same material.