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Player1x3 said:

''the fact shows that you are wrong'' - So someone being a Christian automatically makes him wrong at the discussion? Yeah the FACT that you think that shows that you have irrational and disturbing hate of Christians

Point One:  Since you're a Christian and you're religion is wrong that makes you wrong when making a statement like "Our Nation is ruled by God's Laws" because your God doesn't exist.  He was just a literary creation of an author about 3,000 years ago based on earlier Gods.  I think it's quite rational for me to accept the fact that you're wrong without hating you.


I believe he said that in the constitituion it says that american laws are God given. Or maybe he meant moral laws. And your ''fact'' that God doesnt exist is just as relevant and good as the tree my cow uses to wipe her ass with. And what the Hell do you mean by ''bringing God back to the country''?  America is alrady religious country as it is, no matter how much you hate the fact.


Well, the Founding Fathers left off their writing of the Constitution with the fact that it should allow room for Ammendments so that over time as more knowledge about how the world actually happens to be, then changes could be written into The Constitution to reflect those new ideas.  Probably much like the Bible's J author, The Founding Fathers didn't think their Documents were written in stone much as you strict Constitutionalists do  So, since it was discovered about 80 years later than the Constitution was written that their might be other explanations for things, then the Founders might not have written what has become inflammatory references about God into the Constitution.  

The country needs to move away from religion since it fosters a perfect slave system of many people that never really work for the betterment of themselves as they're expecting Jesus to return any day now, so they reject something like Obama's health care plan which might actually bring beneficial changes to their lives.   It's the folks I've seen on Tea Party Rallies holding up signs about bringing God back into everything that make me wonder what they mean.  No doubt, they should be able to follow their religions in private and let them die out while leaving everybody else alone so that they can have all the freedoms that every citizen of this nation should have the right to enjoy far from the scrutiny of religious types.

I beleive he was argung the liberal bias some of the proffesors at the universites have, not that he hates them. But than again, not like you insane hatred towards Christianity could make you see things the way they are


I don't have an insane hatred towards Christianity.  I just know that very often if you look at the past, then you can see how the future will go.  And, if you look at the history of the Christian Church, then you can very much see how it would go if they had their way again.  And no doubt even today, they do want to interfere in other people's lives like preventing gays from getting married or women from having abortions.


Or perhaps you cant distinguish the difference between the institutions of Christianity (the church) and the Christianity itself?  Not to mention you judged the group of 2.2 billion people by the actions of some of the kingdoms that killed eople 700 years ago.

I can distinguish between the teachings of Christianity and Christianity itself.  But really its main source document advocates stoning gays to death and killing witches (and everyone in Cannaan so the Hebrews can have the land).  Even Jesus is allowed to say in the Bible that he came with a sword and that he didn't come to do away with the teachings of prophets that believed that people should kill gays and witches (even though he did say let him without sin cast the first stone to some priests that were going to stone an adulterous woman to death -- such a stoning would have been advocated by scriptures themselves.)

There is some research data that shows that many of those that profess to believe in The Bible have never read it.  Perhaps that's why they hold on to its teachings.