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EdHieron said:
Player1x3 said:

Oh, here it is folks! The open minded, freedom loving,  tolerant liberal has SPOKEN! Listen to this voice of reason or face the fury of the judgement that he so heavly accuses Christians of !!!!

Well, I am convinced !!!!! Thats such a compeling evidence, I dont know how could have I been so blind! Thank you for opening my eyes with this remarkable post !!!!!


But seriously, thats has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever read in my whole life. And I know I said this few times back, but this time I actually mean this

Oh, I guess it's only ignorant because you haven't done the proper research.  I bet you haven't even had one class in Higher Biblical Criticism at a major university.  That would really explain why you have no idea as to how the Bible was actually written.


Here are a few links to help you come out of your cloud of ignorance:

On How Yahweh was based on earlier Gods from the Mesopotamian and Egyptian regions: (note:  I definitely don't come to the same conclusions as Sitchin but he does a good job of demonstration how the earlier Sumerian religion influenced the later Hebrew one's conception of its God).

On The J author -- the original author of the Torah that invented Yahweh from a hodgepodge of the earlier Gods of that region ( )

On the Documentary Hypothesis and further elaboration upon how The Torah was conceived (before it's completion four other authors or schools of authors were instrumental in bringing The Bible to its final form (The E author that felt that the J author was wrong in only having one of the gods in her version of the Bible and the later three groups of priestly authors that brought The Bible back to including only one God as it's easier to control the populace when they're only following one God and following the example of ancient Egypt knew that if you could control a populace's beliefs then you could control their actions added most of the laws that are included in The Old Testament)

Wellhausen --

Massey --

On The Documentary Hypothesis of the construction of The Torah --


Next time due a bit of study and research so that you won't be so surprised when a new idea to you that you consider to be ignorant actually turns out to be true.

Worth noting too that Talmudic law bears more than a passing resemblance to other ancient near eastern laws. I'm not going to be so bold as to suggest that it was all made up deliberately, but they were certainly drawing on cultural commonalities more than they were drawing on the word of Yahweh

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.