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EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
MrBubbles said:
EdHieron said:
MrBubbles said:
EdHieron said:
osamanobama said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:

i would agree so far as to say that should god exist he is not likely to be as described in the texts of those religions.

but i dont see how it was all that relevant to his point and that you just wanted a god argument.  its easily interpreted in a secular and agreeable way.  every human at (i would say conception but we can go with birth for the sake of this topic) has basic human rights.  that those rights dont cease to exist or change just because some government says so.    these rights should be the base of how society works and that, for example, creating things to the effect of "the right to not be offended by someone" by politicians to gain votes withing certain communities is obscene.

It's relevant in that Osamanobama was saying that his God Yahweh is supposed to be in charge of everything in the US and that universities that teach evolution are anti-Yahweh (when there is no real reason to be Pro Yahweh aka "God") and that Osamanobama is emblematic of the types of people that think Fox News a station with a heavy Pro God / Yahweh bias is fair and balanced.  As the pro Yahweh crowd are the ones in danger of leading this country down the road to fascism or totalitarianism.

I find it obsence when public policies are made that prevent others from being able to have all of the personal freedoms that they should have like not allowing women to be in charge of their own bodies, supporting one faction (or two) factions in The Middle East when all three sides are to blame and none of them any more right in their beliefs than Yanammanno tribesman fighting in the South American jungle over which one is more magical and being allowed to jeapordize the whole world while doing so because the Christians, Jews, and Muslems have more potent spears than the Yanammano, or denying others the right to do things that would harm no one else and that should be their rights as much as anyone else's -- gay marriage -- due to the bigoted teachings in a book that lost most of its claim to be any kind of a reliable source long ago.

apparently me being a Christian, has blinded you with hatred so my entire points in this thread have flew right over your head.

to address you simpleton misunderstandings

-never said God is supposed to be in charge of everything in the US

-never said universities teaching evolution are lying or anti-God, in fact never even mentioned evolution

-nearly every anchor of every news station claims to be a Christian, this is no different at Fox, and their faith almosts always has absolutely nothing to do with whats being reported.

-you have an irrational fear and hatred to Christians

Oh, you're being a Christian doesn't make me hate you.  That fact just shows how wrong you are.


"You Simpleton" -- looks like you really didn't even bother to learn grammar in school there, bud..  Really flying over my head there.  Not.


-- You said the laws in this nation we're "God given" when in fact they're not as your God doesn't exist.  Its people at Tea Party realities holding up signs about how we need to get God back in our country that demonstrate the Tea Party's intentions on that score.

--You might not have mentioned evolution, however, since you have a firm belief in God and a blatant disregard for universities it's easy to see they're definitely teaching something that you disagree with.  So, I guess you're fine with Universities teaching the truth that there's nothing more than mythology to the old religions as well as Evolution?


--Funny seeing as how they very often have various priests and preachers come on to all of the shows on Fox at least on a weekly basis.  You don't see priests and preachers on a weekly basis during most of their news programming. 


-- Anybody that has looked at the history of Christianity and that understands how they want to impose their God on everyone else's personal activities should at the very least have a healthy skepticism of the good intentions of Christians.

i missed typed, its the internet, so if youre going to make a big deal about me tryping you instead of your, be my guest. but the point remains the same, my point flew wayy over your (there you go, you happy?) head.

-false, never once said our laws were God given, i said our rights were. and its right there in our founding documents, its not hidden. if you choose not to believe that, fine. yes, lots of tea party members take their faith very seriously, but they all have one thing in common and thats for a smaller limitied government, so good luck gettting a totalitarian regime forcing everybody to be christian with that.

-my quaral (spelling?) with universities had nothing to do with creationism vs evolution. it was about censor ship, especially of conservative thought. read my posts, and watch the video. hopefully then you will see my point.

-weekly basis, what shows, never seen that. every once in a while seam hannity has some catholic priest (cant think of his name) appears on his great american panel. but its no different than when other news stations has religios/spiritual personalties appear on their shows. youre really grasping for straws hear.

-christians want every body to have a relationship with God, meaning they want them to be Christians, but no one is forsing you to. and fortunately you wont be blown up by Christians for rejecting Christ, and you wont be beheaded for making fun of Christians. have you every been to a tea party rally, do you notice how peaceful they are.


for your other post. you say 70% of christians voted for republicans. so what, what does that prove. thats a non sequitor arguement. most Christians, like the idea of less taxes and smaller government, so logically they are going to vote for conservatives. hey, most women voted for democrats, 97% of black people voted for dems. what does that matter