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osamanobama said:
EdHieron said:
We already have a movement similar to fascism in the US. It's called Fundamentalist Christianity and as Republican / Tea Party types continue to gain more power in the US over the next couple of years, we're going to see a rise in its insidious influence on our culture as well.

you do realize, overthing the tea party sands for is the polar opposite to Fascism.

also all tea party rallies have been extremely peaceful. but nice try bub. you would have a greater chance of finding violent people  wanting a dictatorship type government at a greenpeace or anti-war rally

Any time you find people wanting to "put God back in charge of everything everything" you find a group of fascists.  And the only reason most Conservative candidates one their elections in 2010 was due to the Evangelical votes that they received, so yes that is evidence of a fascist movement in our society influencing public policy.