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osamanobama said:
sapphi_snake said:
osamanobama said:
Obama has been as close to Facism as we've come in a long time.
and with indoctrination centers like Universities and "news" stations like MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN. they try to block out all dissent and vilify all opposition wit out any facts. they are in bed with the government and are pretty much an arm of the democratic party.

but no we wont be Fascists because luckily we have had citizen revolts like the tea party pushing for smaller less totalitarian goverment. and we have news stations that actually show both sides of isssues like FOX news instead of being spoon fed what this administration tells them, they actually are fair in providing both sides

And you want to be taken seriously (regarding the part in italics)? As for the underlined, anti-intelectualism is one of the first symptoms of an iminent dictatorship.

i couldnt be more serious.

and yes universities do indoctrinate. 97% of proffessors are liberals. they push their ideology on student, and punish those with differeing views (you might not experience this because youre not in America). they have no fear of repercusions because of tenure.  and colleges get favorable treatment by our government becasue they push out (liberal) voters and politicians. they get a constant base, and in turn "help" te universities. incompetent proffessors dont get fired and get away with everythiing.

as for the other thing, i suggest you watch our news. its apparrent that you do not

aslo for you other posts. modern day conservates (not establishment conservatives, im talking new tea party ones) stand for individual freedom, thats why liberatarians have teamed up with them.

since about a hundred years ago, starting back with woodrow wilson (some could argue TR) the liberal idealogy got hijacked by the progressive. they stand for inti democracy (including censor ship of other ideas, ex. your only a bigot or close minded if you disagree with them), anti-freedom, pro-totalitarian governement.

as for the topic at hand, i suggest you read liberal fascism, by Jonah Goldberg

A lot of the Tea Partiers want to put their imaginary God back in everything and in charge of everyone else's lives which definitely means that they're not for personal freedoms.  And since their God doesn't exist, one is defintely not being close-minded when they tell them they're wrong for believing in it and for trying to place it above everyone else's personal freedoms.

I watch a lot of Fox News and other than the 700 Club or whacked out local religious holy roller stations, they're really the only major media outlet that puts a serious spin on "God"'s existence which is all anyone needs to see to know how wrong their ideas are.