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sapphi_snake said:
HappySqurriel said:

You mean formalized logic is irrational?

The only way to prove the non-existence of something is to assume it exists and then demonstrate that its existence violates a premise or axiom. While this works in pure mathematics where the entire system is built on formalized proofs, this does not work in the real world. There have been many cases where people have believe that certain "Beasts" were mythical or were simply superstition, like black swans or the gorillas in Africa, only to be proven wrong.

There is no way to prove that the Sasquatch, Loch-Ness monster or honest politician doesn’t exist, the best we can do is argue that the lack of evidence of their existence suggests that we should not operate under the assumption that they do exist.

Ah, I see, so basically formalized logic is useless when it comes to proving the non-existence of fantasy creatures. Humans being overwhelmed by their own creations...

So Gorrillas and Black Swans are fantasy creatures?