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Jay520 said:
Don't you see Dsage! The truth is out! You don't have to lie anymore!

Just come clean and maybe, MAYBE we will respect you again

I am not lying at all!!! You want to know where I got the idea from! Here's the link!

There I didn't copy you at all. And you still don't have any proof and these people beleive you seems really ironic to me. It's either you are trying to steal my idea and make it yours because it's all popular now. Or you might have actauly had an idea like this but got mad when you saw a thread like this came out before you were about to post it. It's happened to me to. The Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft elimation thing was something that I was planning to do but then someone already came up with it. I didn't start crying and say it was my thread and he stole it! Seriously the sonner you admit it the better. Just stop lying to me and all these people. The sooner the better