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HappySqurriel said:

Atheism is still a religion and is therefore still protected under "Freedom of Religion" ...

Agnosticism could actually be seen as a lack of religion though because, unlike other religions (including atheism), agnosticism does not require an individual to hold beliefs in the absense of any proof.

Atheism is not a religion and it is very odd that you would claim that it is. It kind of indicates an ignorance of the meaning of the word religion. To be a religion requires essentially requires a form of dogmatic beliefs and a set of ritual practices. Atheism has neither of these, to be an atheist requires only the lack of a belief in a God or Gods, and as such includes religions (with dogma and rituals) such as Buddhism that do not have any deity.

Agnosticism is also not a religion but can be part of a religion. You can be a Christian agnostic if you believe in Christianity but you do not believe that God can ever be proven or known.

HappySqurriel said:

I would use the term "progressive" rather than "liberal" because they reduced the rights of individuals through "hate-speech" and gun control laws to protect the "public good"; and it was the resentment produced by, or unintended use of, these laws which made it possible for a fascist nation to be formed from a "progressive" nation.


You have to be kidding me. So it wasn't resentment over the Treaty of Versailles, long brewing Anti-Semetism and the Great Depression that lead to the rise of the Nazi party. It was gun-control and hate speech laws. That's just a joke.