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I just checked my city, and the only thing I did yesterday looks to be okay. I can't be certain because I don't have flymod installed on my work PC (heck, I don't really even use my work PC to play because (1) I'm not supposed to, and (2) it's hardly playable on it), so I can't properly check the top of the building to see if anything got messed up.

The supermods were only supermods for the time being to catch up on things, so it's probably okay that they be taken back to regular mods. As I said before, that promotion is typically only supposed to be temporary right now, until/unless we get a lot of users on a regular basis.

I also have some plans for accommodating larger numbers of players, for when that possibly comes. What I mean is that spawn is basically packed full, and it takes a while from there to get to places where people can do what they want. I have some ideas for dealing with that situation. You'll be hearing these ideas once I smooth out the kinks.
