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sapphi_snake said:
osamanobama said:

also, i just realized your arguement is flawed in another huge way.

here in the US we have the 1st amendment, that allows for free speech. so even if someone didnt like another person with a different skin color, different genitalia, or different sexual preference. their right to do so is still guaranteed.

and to think universities are non biased and only want to stop hateful views, i just blissful ignorance.

The 1st amendment only referres to the fact that the Government cannot surpress free speech (and even so, there are restrictions, like libel and child pornography; hate speech is an exception is most places). A private organization can still fire someone if they behave against their policy.

and none of those things cover what happens at universities. also what you consider hate speech, is not considered hate speech here (thank God) because hate speech to you, is anyone with a different view than you.

also, private institutions can fire people that go against their policies, but their policies still must be within the law, meaning complying with the 1st amendment.

not to mention, most universities are public