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RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

"hose Wii games weren't even remotely close to deserve being called significant effort"

please tell me then what were the devs supposed to do the wii could not run certain types of games the way they wanted at the time and so they made games which could run on the console ... if someone wanted the full assasins or soul calibur experience it was a given that they wouldn't find it on wii...

"then I don't see why you should be allowed to call it an upcoming hit game in order to prove your point"

i never did that was my point... we know so little that its absurd to judge the game as is

They are supposed to make good games, that's all there is to it. They decided against this. The entire point of this thread is that it is very likely that third parties will continue to not take Nintendo's home console seriously, but merely see it as a way to grab cash and funnel those profits into games that never come to the Wii U.

So far it looks like the best Nintendo fans can hope for are 1:1 ports of 360 and PS3 games and even that isn't guaranteed.

"They decided against this" lol not being provided the tools to make the games as they want is deciding against? if you wanted certain types of games without having to buy the required consoles you should be angry at nintendo for not providing the required tools for said games